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Saint Moses orimolade Tunolase

From 1879 to 1933 “Saint” Moses Orimolade Tunolase, known in his boyhood days as Orimolade Okejebu, was born into the royal family of Omo’ba Ode Sodi of Okorun Quarters, Ikare, Western Nigeria. The year of his birth has traditionally been given as 1879. At the time of his birth, there was no birth registry in Ikare. The art of writing and therefore the keeping of records, had not yet become popular in that locality. We therefore have no authentic record of his birth date. His life began with a strange experience his mother had. Madam Odijoroto,–also of the same royal house ,–was in the bush where she had gone to cut firewood while she was heavy with child. She fetched more firewood than she could lift by herself. She realized she would have to reduce the bundle in order to be able to carry it. Just then she heard a voice telling her the easiest way to lift the bundle even if she did not make it smaller. She looked around in great astonishment, but saw no one. The voice spoke again: “Do

Man Attacked And Stabbed At Football Viewing Center, Recounts Ordeal. Photo

Police have arrested three butchers for allegedly stabbing a 33-year-old barber in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. The victim, Ajibola Falegan, was stabbed at a viewing centre on Nova Road, Baisiri, on Wednesday evening. The suspects have been detained at a police station on New Iyin Road in Ado-Ekiti after they were arrested about 10.30p.m. Falegan, who is now receiving treatment at a private medical centre, had deep cuts in his head and body. He was said to have been attacked with machetes and knives. Falegan explained that the suspects were having altercation with his younger brother at the viewing centre before he got there but when they saw him, they pounced on him. He said: “I passed out when the attackers stabbed me in the head and body. I regained consciousness at the hospital. The men, who attacked me, stole my L9phone worth N70,000 and cash of N10,000. I have never had any misunderstanding with any of them. We live within the same vicinity. I got home about 9.30p.m. on Wednesday a

Daddy Freeze Starts N100k #ogeokoye Challenge After Actress Visited Pastor Lukau by Celebrityblog

Last year, star actress and her daughter were at South African controversial Pastor, Alph Lukau's church. What happened there as seen in the video shared by Daddy Freeze is quite dramatic! You need to watch and see yourself. Now, Daddy Freeze has started the Oge Okoye and Alph Lukau challenge. Sharing the video, Daddy Freeze wrote: "Alph Luka finals gets a real actor as Oge Okoye visits him in the wake of Elliot’s resurrection. ��� - The Oge OKOYE Challenge starts tomorrow from 10am! - Another 100k is up for grabs! 5 people, will each receive 20k for acting the best Oge Okoye and Alph Lukau scene." ThefamousNaija recalls that Pastor Alph Lukau was recently involved in fake resurrection scandal which trended for a while. Watch the video of Oge Okoye at Pastor Alph Lukau church Source:

Cynthia Amarachi Nwawuike: Corper Missing After Boarding Bus From Osun To Lagos

A twitter user posted a photo of his missing female NYSC friend whose name is Cynthia Amarachi Nwawuike who got missing on the 15th of March 2019 after boarding a bus from Osun to Lagos. Gistvic Reports. He wrote: "My friend Cynthia Amarachi Nwawuike has been missing! She is Serving in Osun state and was reported missing on the 15th of March 2019. She was last seen boarding a bus from Osun to this number +2349055916297 if you have any useful information. PlS RT" See More Below: Source:

Davido Exposes Video Director Who Begged Him After Calling Him 'talentless'

Singer Davido has taken to his Instagram to expose a video director who went under CDQ's comment section to say he has no talent, but only money. Well, funny enough, this guy had already begged Davido to direct a music video for him. See below...

Esther Ojo: 2-Year-Old Girl Missing At Mountain Of Fire Church Service

A two-year-old girl identified as Esther Ojo, reportedly went missing during last Sunday service at a Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries’ church in Lagos.The two-year-old girl went missing during the service at a branch of Mountain of Fire church in Agege. It was gathered that she disappeared after she went to use the toilet in the church, and all search for her has proved abortive. The distraught mother of the girl told a Punch correspondent; “We went to the church together and I am one of the children’s teachers. As of 12.31pm, we were still together and I was cautioning her not to step on the child sleeping on the bed until someone called me and I left where she was. We were almost through with the second service and I was very busy because I was rounding off the programme. The other teachers told me that Esther said she wanted to urinate and a child of a church worker took her to the toilet. The girl was the one that used to help me with Esther whenever I was busy and Est